What we do

360º service
We advise and offer to companies a global solution, from advice, design, engineering and production to the logistics phase and after-sales service. In this way we offer the client the possibility to focus only on the core of their business helping them to grow.
At Gaequip we develop high performance machinery. Designing from the simplest machines to the most complex processes. We work for the entire national and international scope, for sectors such as industrial, automotive, technology and innovation.
We have great professionals who are in charge of designing and executing each machine that we develop.
Tailor-made service
We have personalized services for each client, being able to work in one or several phases of the product production cycle depending on what your company needs. We adapt our projects to the identity of the company – developing targeted and optimized solutions. Tell us about your project, we create solutions adapted to the identity of your company, always offering you maximum flexibility and the best guarantees.